Linda's diary
3110 kingston rd. Scarborough m1m 1p2
Hawaii health spa
Telephone: 416-261-8088
One customer came to me first time with very bad back pain, I did very impressed massage for him: hold my breath no talking , less pressure than normal but had to had pressure, fixed his back pain, the next time he came back, i already could use normal pressure massage his back , when i massaged his arms, he said:" linda, don't masssge my arms, i don't have any pain on my arms "
I said:" through your back, i know your whole body everywhere need massage, don't talk too much, let me work , after i finished his arms, he shaked his arms and said:" my arms are so flexible, i never know my arms could be so comfortable, i said:" you used to be stifffed", then fixed his legs, everywhere ...
Through few times massag, We already trust each other, but he liked text me and I reminded him that I busy busy no texting but still, I had to block him .
But one day he walked in with a gift

! I was surprised and said:" I think you will mad at me for blocking you , you still bring me a gift!"
He said:" linda I never mad with you, I understand you, you busy, you are good to me."
After I know one customer died heart attacked which could avoid ( i wrote this before), I start pay more attention about massaging heart area, maybe I didn't pay more attention on this customer heart area before, just did normal massage ,know his back pain is gone, while we were talking about the heart attack case and I was masssging his heart area , he was pain and it was sharp pain! , he kept on moving his body didn't want me massage any more, I held his body tried to massage that area fast( just need 2 to 3 minutes ), no matter how I tried to make it done, he insisted on no no, then that heart attack case jumped out to my mind and stressed me out, I patted his back and said:"ok, if you don't want me work on you , you don't come to me, you don't let me know, If I know this is dangerous and you don't let me do, you stress me and I will keep on thinking of this, what are we talking about? What are you agree with? " I yelled him like i yelled my son. Then he really got up put his clothes on and said:" this is not good that you are yelling at me" I said:" ok you go"
After he left I felt sorry and I text him let him come back , he text me back said he understand me and will back another day.
One day he really came back and brought me another gift

, it is a money tree!!! I like it very much! I said:" you don't upset with me? "
He said:" no, i never upset with you, I know you are good to me, otherwise I will not come back"
He said:" you fixed my back, I couldn't ride my motorcycle before, today I ride my motorcycle

come to see you"
I said:" oh it is really nice, I am happy to heard that,"
He came another time, while I masssge him and I said:" you are very thoughtful, you bought two gifts , i like them both, he said:" I don't have a girlfriend and I don't have a wife, I don't know how to buy a gift"
He said seriously:" really? I will buy you chocolate next time, do you like chocolate?"
I said:" oh no no no, don't buy anything, I am kidding, you are healthy no pain, come to see me and I am happy, that is good enough .
I hope this HAWAII HEALTH SPA like a post station, not a place for business. If you are tired, come here and I will massage you. If you feel any pain or uncomfort, I will massage you. That’s it, it’s fine.
Thank you very much for supporting us all the time, my girlfriend friend WENDY will be here tomorrow ( monday) , she will work here every Monday Thursday and Saturday 1030am to 7 pm while coco is back in china.
Thank you very very much again!