#7, 3110 kingston rd.Scarborough m1m 1p2
Hawaii health spa

: 4162618088
Yes this really remind me one view of 4 hands massage, here we go:
After I did one client whole body massage, he wanted another tenants join us do services together, it is a good idea, it is very very difficult to make him cum, my girl came in and I REALLY SAT ON HIS FACE and my coworker did blow job, I face the wall and my girlfriend was blowing him behind me, I knew my girl worked very very hard there behind me, I sat on his face moaning moaning cooperratly and I heard my girl was moaning moaning too, we were working hard together to boost his cum,5 minutes, 15 minutes , 20 minutes past...... we moaning we moaning, time pasted by and it seemed nothing would happen... I started sweating and felt stressed sat on his face and wondering what time can make him cum?? Continue moving my bum up and down up and down, moaning moaning moaning...
suddenly he stopped licking and said:" I cum" , he stopped licking so rapidly and surprised me and I turned and asked:" no more interested in licking ?!"
He said:"no"
I said:"IF YOU CONTINUE, then you will taste pee flavor ?"
We were all laughing and cheering, that is how 4 hands work ,It is team work!!! Team work make unbelievable thing become believable .
Tomorrow ( Saturday) , my Korean girlfriend wendy will work here with me, wellcome to our spa enjoy our professional and love massage and thank you very very much for supporting us all the time, this encourages us to make our work better and better.
Thank you