
  1. G

    How can I introduce my girlfriend to my homophobic family?

    I'm 16, bisexual, and recently one of my best friends and I (She's a girl too, also 16) have fallen in love and we're dating and have a great relationship and are totally happy. However, she wants to meet my family. She's met my mom plenty of times because we've been friends for a long time and...
  2. J

    So you're massaging your girlfriend and...?

    She pulls out her phone and starts messaging her guy friend. How would you you feel/react?
  3. D

    Married, Girlfriend, or Single - Show of hands

    Dear MPA Clients, Did a quick search - could not find a poll about this matter amongst MPAs. prehaps my search skills need work. I can sense a "here we go again" comment coming on. Hey but prehaps people hooked up since the last poll..if there was one. No comments necessary. Just vote...
  4. Pompal 09.

    girlfriend massage

    Have lurked around here for a while but thought I'd look for advice from advertisers and memebrs, and yes I did search first, but maybe didn't use the right words. My girlfrien has seen a number of episodes of "Mind of a Married Man" and is intrigued by the idea of erotiv massage. We have...
  5. X

    For my girlfriend

    My girlfriend would like to experience a MP, which one and who are the best for servicing women. Thank you
  6. J

    My ex girlfriend introduce me to her new boyfriend?

    My ex has a new boyfriend who she very eagerly introduced me to one night knowing I still love her. We basically flirted in front of him and have also on email and text behind his back. I don't know if she still has feelings for me, help?
  7. F

    getting away from the girlfriend

    My girlfriend is very good on keeping tabs on my leisure time. I believe she suspects something's up. Besides using the excuse of going to the pub, what are some good excuses you use to buy some time away, especially later in the evening. O Blue.
  8. J

    Aisan Review....major girlfriend experience...

    went to see if an old favourite was back from vacation....she was....last night at about 9:15.....she hugged my long then took door fee of 35...came back and started light tickling and whispering in ear...couple of small kissed on lips....lits of ear licking and neck biting....sat on...
  9. W

    My girlfriend doesn't want to introduce me to her parents?

    because my ears are stretched to an inch. she said her parents wouldn't like the idea of me being so pierced and tattooed. i have my ears to an inch, my nose to a 10, and my snake bites too. but if i take them out, they'd expect to see that "me" every single time. how could i convince her...
  10. I

    Give girlfriend a foot massage?

    My girlfriend is the type of girl who is not barefoot all the time, but when she is she doesn't really trust people around her feet...I was just wondering how I could get her to consider a foot massage. I really want to relax her and also I have a foot fetish...not an obsessive one, but one that...
  11. D

    I think my girlfriend is perfect and she doesnt believe me and she needs to

    let me give her a foot massage lol? yep that explains most of it
  12. F

    What is a good massage oil that me and my girlfriend can use.?

    Something that smells good is major a plus
  13. G

    How can I introduce my white girlfriend to my Indian parents?

    Hello, So I am this indian guy raised in Canada by very conservative Indian (Punjabi) parents. Believe it or not for Indian guys, introducing their girlfriends to their parents are a huge deal, let alone a girl from a different race. My parents always say that they'll ok with whoever I'm with...
  14. H

    The guy I am 'seeing' introduced me to his friend as his 'girlfriend', but hasn't...

    ...talked to me about that...? We have been seeing each other for over 2 months now, and everything is going really good. But..his ex-gf is expecting a baby, and he is the father. So because of that situation, he says that he can't be officially dating me yet, because he doesn't know what's...
  15. R

    why do I send voice massages to my girlfriend?

    everytime me and her gets in and agreement we fuse and I send voice massages to msay I'm sorry
  16. R

    Why does he feel like introducing his girlfriend of 2 days is okay?

    This is the second time this has happened. We have a parenting order through court in which he picked his visitation of Saturday from 11am to Sunday at noon and he agreed that I would have all decision making including whom our son associates. It also includes a clause that he must inform me of...
  17. Leftfoot

    Abducted by an MPA! Our Friend & his MPA Girlfriend...

    Over the last year, there have been sooooo many [entertaining] threads from those who have fallen for an MPA. Let me introduce a twist to all that... I'VE LOST MY FRIEND TO AN MPA! He's a nice guy, got a good heart, better than average looking I guess, and sure, he's got some issues, but...
  18. J

    uhmmm my girlfriend wants me to massage her boobs?

    is there a way you girls like your boobs touched? what kind of massages should i do and how should i touch it?
  19. J

    I'm afraid to introduce my girlfriend to my parents?

    My girlfriend and i have been dating now for a year and i have yet to introduce her to my parents. I'm afraid to i really doubt they will like her for many reasons. One reason is she dresses like a slut. She wears thongs in which you can see her asshole as well as low cut shirts where you can...
  20. J

    Should i introduce my girlfriend to my parents?

    My girlfriend and i have been dating now for a year and i have yet to introduce her to my parents. I'm afraid to i really doubt they will like her for many reasons. One reason is she dresses like a slut. She wears thongs in which you can see her asshole as well as low cut shirts where you can...