
  1. wishmaker88

    The Myth of the Japanese "Girlfriend"

    Maybe but Asoboo sucks. I am in my early 30s, nice looking tall and slim and I have met at least 7 or 8 girls from Asoboo. They are all ugly and they are looking for serious boyfriend. And one was a whore. Did not meet any 25 year old girl looking for wild sex with gaijin
  2. TartCartRider

    massage for my girlfriend?

    I have this fantasy that I would watch my Japanese girlfriend get a nude oil massage. Should I let this happen? Do you think it will benefit or hurt the relationship?
  3. L

    Girlfriend Snatch and Grab in Patong!

    I'm not disagreeing with your thoughts, and the bit about how Americans socialise was informative. In the interest of a balanced article it would have been more accurate to just say "horny farangs" although as you say others are more obvious due to their higher numbers. As for not being...
  4. L

    i'm bringing my girlfriend

    :cry: Yes I m bringinging aussie g friend to LOS...yea yea i know but i travel heaps & have to pay dues now & here is my question I plan on sneaking off late afternoon while she snoozes to a soapy or HJ or BJ place for a quick hour or so....I need ur expert advice of where best to...
  5. F

    Italian girlfriend

    let me be the judge of that...:D
  6. Pompal 09.

    Favourite beach (in Canada) to take a girlfriend too....

    Mine has to be, hands down, the fourth beach in Awenda provincial park here in Ontario. It is a bit of a hike to get to but the privacy and seclusion is worth the effort. It is so remote from the 'regular' beaten path that signs are posted reminding that nudity below the waist is forbidden by...
  7. N

    Guys, would you introduce your girlfriend to your friends?

    And if you could, what reasons for why-whynot?
  8. J

    How do I introduce my girlfriend to an attractive bartender acquaintance?

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for almost a year and I am madly in love with her. She is the girl of my dreams but sometimes overreacts about other women when she shouldn't. I would never even think about cheating on her, or want to for that matter. There is no one out there I could...
  9. X

    girls I want to massage my girlfriend?

    What do you think she will enjoy the most? Thanks in advance.
  10. X

    girls where should I massage my girlfriend for the best results...?

    ... I don't really want to make her feel aroused, I have work tomorrow so I want to make her sleepy in a lovely way. Where should I massage her and in what sequence? Light or hard massage? Thanks in advance.
  11. X

    girls if I wanted to give my girlfriend a massage ...?

    ... where do think is the area that would feel the nicest for her, and is there a sequence of areas I should cover in a specific order, a light or heavy massage or light in some areas and heavy in others that would make her aroused/ feel nice to her. Also do girls want to feel aroused during a...
  12. M

    How to massage my girlfriend?

    Hello Im 15 years old and I want to give my girlfriend a massage as she likes it:D I am not like pro or sth but I know hoe massages work so I am going to try and she wants full body massage and I have no idea where to massage:P any help? For example..'...the best way to massage her back is...
  13. E

    Should I be mad at my girlfriend for taking off her clothes on webcam to random...

    ...guys on omegle/chat roulette? I just found out about it. I'm not sure how to feel about it, since it's not necessarily guys she'll ever meet in real life. she said that she would never cheat on me, and she only wants opinions on her body
  14. R

    I introduced my girlfriend to my dad...?

    And he turns to me and says "Son, I am disappoint". What do?
  15. P

    Need advice on giving massages for my girlfriend!!!?

    Bascially today was her first day at her job, and she said she got home with her feet so sore and in pain and just so tired from standing all day, and her body was sore. So I honestly want to give her a foot massage and give her a back massage (cause she said she likes it when I rub her back)...
  16. P

    Need help on massages for my girlfriend!!!?

    Bascially today was her first day at her job, and she said she got home with her feet so sore and in pain and just so tired from standing all day, and her body was sore. So I honestly want to give her a foot massage and give her a back massage (cause she said she likes it when I rub her back)...
  17. W

    what can i chat with my girlfriend?

    i'm just wondering,don't you guys stuck sometimes? lol like suddenly out of topic ?
  18. P

    My girlfriend from Bangkok likes to tie me up. If we get married will this be the...

    ...Thai that binds? When that happens I just shout out "Phuket!"
  19. D

    How do I give some really amazing massage to my girlfriend?

    sensual or just relaxing (:
  20. Pompal 09.

    Italian girlfriend

    let me be the judge of that...:D