Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
So, nuthin 2do w me… if Lucy & the girls wanna put +. ++ or +++, up 2 them.This rating stuff is only going to drive good girls away.
+++ rating is advertised and every guy goes into the session thinking that this is what they are getting. It's totally unfair to the lady to have to offer that to all clients.
If Cecelia doesn't want to remove her underwear she shouldn't. When it's advertised that others are, and she loses clients, she will feel that she has to do the same. How will this affect her? Probably not positively which will likely lead to her being unhappy and leaving?
This is a terrible industry for these ladies. Ratings and expectations make things worse.
These simps that brag about what they got are pumping their egos and hurting the ladies.
We should all have more class than that.

Mostly, yer gonna find girls do at least their rating… if they like u , quite a bitmore!

Erica gave me ++ when she was rated +, then +++

… mebbe we see DFK after her name nxt wk, who nose?