Known Reviewer
It's pretty wild to see the miscalculation the PedoBiden regime is making with its lawfare against Trump. The refrain you're going to hear from them from here out, all the way through the election is "Convicted Felon!"... Which would mean something if the legal process they put him through was fair and objective. But it wasn't, and everyone knows it.
They actually think they can wear the skinsuit of "The Law" and parade around in it, and that law-abiding/fearing Americans (people who actually respect the law) will just... accept this charade. It doesn't work like that. We know they're all corrupt. We know it's a sham. Parading about in the colour of the law while you flout Supreme Court rulings, keep your son in crack rocks, and plunge the nation into economic turmoil and warfare...
No, sorry PedoJoe, you don't have the moral highground. You don't even have a leg of a stool to stand on. Even the majority of Dems want Joe gone, and each new conviction is quite literally a badge of honour in the eyes of the vast majority of the American people.
The charade won't play out like they think.