Ocean Motion could well have 4 JGirls in their 20s… I’m slightly amazed they all showed u their passports 2 prove their ages but if u say so!

D’ya speak Japanese ? R they really Japanese? I’m amazed OM advertises in Japanese language papers. Gd 4 them.
OM could b the exception but in general, it’s very rare 4 spas 2 have multiple girls new 2 industry … & since OM = holistic fs spa in part, not really comparable.
Clara 30+ ? I mean, she’s basically a white girl… I’m pretty gd at judging white people’s ages! And… definitely yolo attitude. I got no idea why yer guessing she’s over 30. Swing & a miss!
Sophie 30+? Based on her innocence, suggestibility, foolishness … I woulda guessed 19 yrs old max!

Physically tho, no signs of aging…
TBH I don’t think it’s fair 2 pick one spa in Vaughan, full service, and say

Nya nya yer wrong! I look at the dozens semi legit spas around here & all I notice = recycled girls w previous xxxperience. Most hobbyists no this, & they ask whenever there’s a new girl, “oh, what other spas she works? What’s her name there?”
The new gals @ Bellagio = really new, don’t work anywhere else, didn’t work anywhere previously… incl Sophie, Vivi, Cherry, Lilian today…