I feel confident those services = still available

I.F.? There’s YMMV factor (I.e. if yer a bit untrustworthy she mebbe don’t want u messing around back there

), but generally a clean & nice gent gonna have lotsa fun w Sami!
… those letters may reappear, I’m just checking w Bellagio in case …
Ofc Rica & Amy perfectly fine w RF & IF so if u want shur thing, try them…
Lavida? I’m so happy this cute young pretty girl luvs DFK, I’m not 2 worried about other services… betcha RF gonna b there but who nose? Sometimes girls don’t wanna have sperm

on their tits

… personally I’d wanna keep the DFK going & do HJ while kissing… u cant do RF w DFK, right?
Ofc dont xxxpect 2 much f/ newbie Faye… if u like a new innocent

girl just learning the ropes, she’s a gd choice, but ofc not much mileage yet… if any…
Lucy? Everything within spa limits. Apptmnt only