I agree with your retort on the hormone therapy comment. I personally wouldn't consider Cecilia curvy though since she doesn't really have an ass. Ass guys will definitely be disappointed. So for
@xtc27 to say they need hormone therapy isn't fair. She's facially pretty, has beautiful breasts and a fun personality, but lacking mileage to be a real star. But if she's always booked then she doesn't really have to change anything cause it's clearly working for her.
Any time u agree w Spa Warrior, who actually cannot visit spas due 2 impotence, u gotta no yer in trouble!

Notice how even the mention of hormone therapy triggers the sad little dude? Trouble is,

alcoholism wrecks yer manhood beyond the aid of hormone therapy...
I stand by my remark about Cecelia.... if u don't find her attractive, u need hormone therapy... gonads ≠ working... & seriously, u did find her attractive, so this does not apply 2u...
Cecelia is not "pretty 4 a spa girl', she's actually pretty

... she walks by, u turn yer head... that kinda pretty... & kinda universal look, like u don't need yellow fever 2 see she's gd looking, big eyes, cute mouth once the mask = off, thick hair... & really gr8 body... slim w natural full tits... personally, I'm fine w much smaller ones, but make no mistake, tits

like hers, any guy gonna like... u mention her ass, & there's nuthin wrong w her cute lil butt... don't xxxpect a ghetto booty, she's an Asian girl... that being said, nobody talks about Marilyn Monroe's ass... Cecelia doesn't need 2b a 10/10 in every category...
And in the rm, yes, she is not xxxactly shoving her privates in yer mouth... not her style... she's a bit shy, makes u draw her out, giggly, happy... if u have natural chemistry, addiction results, if not, many guys still repeat w her bcuz she's sexy, fun & nice... she doesn't let the guy leave w/o making him happy...
Now, if u decide not 2 repeat w her, that's up 2u... ofc what happens in the rm counts most, & if that didn't work 4 u,

move on... but I repeat, any man sees her & isn't instantly pleased has got some problem... & no matter how pretty a girl is, I would only repeat if what happened in the rm required an encore... but after u have that 1st visit, yer gonna have those memories 4 a long time!