U no…
I luv it that u cant stand me! Yer a vile lil fake creature.
A fight btwn a germophobe & a cyclist? Cmon dude, get yer personas on straight! A cough, the germaphobe dies

… Thus Endest Battle. Bbye
Just 2 clarify, u r 1 of numerous fake

Jiminy handles… in yer ongoing bipolar

issues (there’s meds 4 that bro) u post & post when the mania strikes… nobody even gives u a response… & u keep going…
Once I had compassion 4u… now I don’t care … go fuck yerself w that time

dysfunctional dick that all the girls laff about
Ofc yer not an actual germophobe… just a sad old man… who quit & left me w all these wonderful Bellagio girls incl Lucy 2 play with… whose

lips last rested on mine just a few minutes ago.