U dont go2 semilegit spa 4 fs… not gonna say it doesnt happen but its not likely… if u get it, tip @ least 100..

… & 120 if its gr8 …
…& u nvr post about it… Ive had a few mpas offer bj & cfs = 80 tip… like THEY TOLD ME 80, not I ripped them off… but i dont post their names… & wasnt semilegit anyway…
...as kl said, legit msg, u tip 10-20… so basic HE, a bit of touchng (bcuz otherwise why bother)… thats 40… nude, thats 60... Topless, usually ends up 60 also, but I wouldnt repeat, kinda ripoff… 80= cbj, bs, nr… 100= cfs… mostly u dont get bj/cbj @ semilegit but could happen…
…so always have a bit xtra $$$$ 2 keep the dream alive… if u think a girl might b tempted to provide XTRA xtras, let ‘m c that xtra $$$, mebbe they get some ideas….