Earlier evening i decided to go visit Amy at Atlantis, since Lucy and many of you recommended her sueforum.xxx massage skill I decided to check her out. She has really nice personality and she's good at giving massage. When she pretty much finished my back there was a knock on the door. She opened the door and the cops were there. I couldn't see their faces cuz I was still facing down and almost felt asleep. There was no other customer except me, and we weren't doing anything illegal in the room anyway. But one of the guy has to look my half covered butt and said is this NORMAL? Hello? I have oil all over my back and you want me to wear my underwear? I should tell him not to stare at my butt but his partner's.
Anyway, there wasn't any illegal activities so they just left us along. Amy later told me the cops were there 3 nights in a roll, don't know why. Maybe they also wanted to stay in warm instead of freezing temp.
So there you go, my very first experience w/ LE.
Hey JackF, Amy was complaining that you don't visit her enough
Anyway, there wasn't any illegal activities so they just left us along. Amy later told me the cops were there 3 nights in a roll, don't know why. Maybe they also wanted to stay in warm instead of freezing temp.
So there you go, my very first experience w/ LE.
Hey JackF, Amy was complaining that you don't visit her enough