Weak ass loser wants to boycott spas because his widdle feelings got hurt when they banned him. Butthurt easy because he bends over for krayjee every chance he can. Bitch ass loser typical woman hater wants to hurt women's businesses because a man wouldn't let him go on about granny panties. Weak men attack women.
Wow, now you think I use ChatGPT? Dude there is nothing artificial about my intelligence, but your natural stupidity is obvious; an inability to distinguish good writing is a sign of not reading (or most likely finishing high school).
This thread demonstrates one thing for certain, birds of a feather flock together. The dimwitted losers making their sophomoric comments in the pettiest of complaints.
Time for you to shower for two with your hero KJ, you can loofah his hemorrhoids and brag about your buffness, he can give you YMMV tips based on his charm.