Prostitutes are human just like the rest. They come in all shapes, sizes, brains, and back stories just like the rest. And you gotta understand at the end of the day, they provide a service for money. That means, they are not your friend, no matter how much you want it to be (oh you'll at some point believe the stories, the mind games, and as sweet and fun and light hearted it would be during the magical hour passing by, until the last grain of sand fall down to the bottom half on the clock). They are professionals, detached, and business-minded conscious at everything they do, or try to be, if they want to be relevant for more than a few years. Their prime days come quick, and also burnt fast. Brighter the candle, quicker the dark after, see?
When u keep those things in mind, and treat them just like with ur barbershop, ur dentist, ur therapist, ur favorite cook at ur favorite joint, well, the world is ur oyster, as long the bills are paid. It's just business at the end of the day. And if u find value into whatever u paid for, u'll come back, or speak ur mind when the party u are dealing with are scammers or of bad service/reputations.
Hell, I got screwed by expensive lawyers, negligent contractors, or three different doctors who thought the tumor I had was cancer but turns out to be benign on the 4th diagnosis from a reputable one in different country (yeap, still alive and kicking till today).. The sex workers have helped me more than my shrinks, dollar per hour, on the grand scheme of thing without questions. Treat the hobby with discerning eyes, common sense and basic courtesy, hygiene habits, and I just can't see the bad from it would out weight the good at the end of the day.
Think whores are expensive? My good friends, Tiger Woods, Jeff Bezos, and a whole hell lots of good men out there would have a different take on the subject matter (yeah yeah, life partner BS, mother of my child and what not)... Think real life women are good, kind heart, honest, emotional stable, predictable in a pleasant way, having realistic standards with their date pools, and feel grateful for the men around their lives? Buddy, the fuck u are hanging around this place at night talk shit about whores instead of spending time with ur woman? ha ha ha...
Love them, hate them, it is what it is... The only way to free from that pain down there is to become gay or cut yo dick off... but then, if u think u r actually free from the pain and suffering of being human after??? Well, I got a long list of books, shows and real-life stories coming ur way...