One-day snapshot is what you pass-off as math?

. When trying to make a point with math, you use trends , and averages.
But, let’s pick apart your graph of
August 11th only data. First, the the daily case rate for unvaccinated is much higher than vaccinated

. Second, the hospitalization rate for fully vaccinated is way lower than unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. Third, they have always said you need to get Fully Vaccinated so the Partially Vaccinated numbers support that. Forth, the ICU numbers for the vaccinated numbers are tiny which is what it was supposed to do.
Lastly, there were a lot of unvaccinated ICU just the day before. Where did they go? There are really only two choices:
1) they got a little better and moved from the ICU to a regular hospital bed. Because it’s impossible to just got 100% better overnight and be released to go home directly from the hospital ICU; or
2) they died. They were removed from the count because they are now dead.