Known Reviewer
World Total “COVID Deaths”: 4,500,000
World Total Population: 7,900,000,000
Total percentage death rate: 0.0569%
Think about that...
The masks that don't do shit, the jabs that don't prevent you from getting it or spreading it, the mandates, the totalitarianism, the complete government control that you would never vote for under any other circumstances....all of that for a virus that killed 0.0569% of the world’s population.
I can't believe this even has to be said at this point, but your government doesn't give a single fuck about you.
How much of a naive fool does one have to be to still believe the government has your best interests at heart?
Surely, at this point, no one is still THAT foolish, right?...RIGHT?!
Its been about grabbing more CONTROL over YOU since the beginning, and had absolutely nothing to do with your health or anybody else's health.
You got fucking played. Hard.

World Total Population: 7,900,000,000
Total percentage death rate: 0.0569%
Think about that...
The masks that don't do shit, the jabs that don't prevent you from getting it or spreading it, the mandates, the totalitarianism, the complete government control that you would never vote for under any other circumstances....all of that for a virus that killed 0.0569% of the world’s population.
I can't believe this even has to be said at this point, but your government doesn't give a single fuck about you.
How much of a naive fool does one have to be to still believe the government has your best interests at heart?
Surely, at this point, no one is still THAT foolish, right?...RIGHT?!
Its been about grabbing more CONTROL over YOU since the beginning, and had absolutely nothing to do with your health or anybody else's health.
You got fucking played. Hard.