A bit off topic... But still an attempt do a comparative analysis of two playground and experiences being offered
Kolkata (SG) Vs Mumbai (NM VIP)
Privacy levels: Better in SG
Quality of girls: Will leave it to the eye of beholder
Option for long term connection: Possible in NM not possible in SG
Besharami/sensuality: hands down SG, you get two nude dance per hour
Quality of Dj: better in NM
So the whole point is expenses and value for money, I was just having a thought we end up spending minimum 25k for a VIP experience in NM where all we get is some close dances, some grooping, some touches that too for approx 2 hours. In similar amount you can get a girl in SG for approx 4 hours with no disturbance of waiters, your music, your own private room and minimum 5-6 nude dances too....
Paisa aapka choice aapki but post SG, it's RIP NM VIP for me
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