Active Member
QQ biggest problem is always the prices are over the top for no reasons, also very few girls provide decent service for the spend. That being said recently I had a session with Yaya at QQ, she's a super star & worth the big bucks I paid. Also tell your mamasa at QQ to chill, she's quite an irritating character.When was the last time you were at QQ and La Monny? Things have change a lot and they have young girls with very good service now. and the place is much much cleaner than Candy. Candy is not much different from Yi Ren in hygiene wise. I went there once and I walked out after seeing the dirty floors and shower stall. I am quite surprise you can repeat with a lady like Kitty. You yourself knew well why she doesn't want her picture post here. You have a great taste in women. Need I say more?