
  1. N

    Soft Hands Spa Website?

    What happened to their web site? Or did they just deciee it was too out of date and decided to loose it?
  2. K

    SRm's website ?

    Is it me or there is something wrong with their website today ? i'm seeing a lot of html based stuff on some of their pages.
  3. P

    anybody been to kawaii spa, and do the girls actually look like in the website

    Anybody been to kawaii spa. And do they actually look like the girls in the website. I tried to do a search on reviews but its mostly advertisement from kawaii itself. If the girls don't look like in the website. Is it a fair question to ask why they have their own personal post...
  4. T

    Does spa royale have a website?

    Lately i've seen a lot of posts mentioning this place. Where is it located?
  5. L

    Blue pearl's website ?

    I cannot access BP's website at all ,looks like it is down. Can anyone confirm it ?
  6. Pompal 09.

    yonge/adelaide "therapy" website

    i came across a website for a mp in that location, but i forget what it was. does anyone know??
  7. Natasha

    Weird link at HFH Website
  8. F

    Studio 9 website?

    Is it down? Romeo's toronto exotic massage site doesn't have a link any more.
  9. buzymom72

    HFH website down website hasn't been working ... I hope that this is temporary
  10. M

    HFH website

    After reading another review, and results of constructive feedback, I visited HFH website, and found it very useful. I have a taste for natural figure, and HFH has definitely added value in clearly advising in descriptions. I also liked their nationality/ethnic background sharing. It really...
  11. D

    Diamonds Website?

    Sorry for such a stupid question.... I have searched threads up down and sideways and can't find a website for diamonds. If it doesn't exist, can someone please give me the phone number. Thanx!
  12. H

    Utopia's Website?

    Does Utopia have a website anymore? At first I thought the place closed down, but I drove by and saw it looked like business as usual.
  13. StonedGorilla

    New pictures of Robin on Allure's website.

    Well they are new to me, so maybe others have missed them as well. I can only say two things. 1)Yummy! 2) Why was I not informed of this in advanced so that I could be sure of having laid in the proper supplies for such an event Now if Allure would just hire SRMs web designer I'd be very...
  14. I

    Allure's website

    I have noticed that when you pull up the ladies pictures on Allure's website it no longer flashes to different pics of them, but rather just stays on one. If memory serves me correctly it used to flash between a variety of pictures. Am I the only one experiencing this problem? I checked and I...
  15. P

    hfh website

    Just tried hfh website and cant get in . seems to be down. Anyone else having same problem?
  16. C

    Is Allure's website down?

    Have been trying since morning but the page is not opening.
  17. S

    Rates on Josephine Website Well I guess there's no 35 minute option. And no 65 minute option. Do you folks think that it's a good thing for the session length to have a ten minute window? I like the other comments. No extra charges in the room. Yeah right, while technically...
  18. T

    allure website pictures

    why is it that the pictues section of this website is always down, I've tried a handful of times this week and it's just no available other sections are working but the most important section is down ...wft is wrong with this ?
  19. I

    How do I contact Jayda from B-girls website

    Any help is greatly appreciated?
  20. B

    Pics on Website for IT

    Paul How come you have pics up already for Sarah, who appears to be brand new to IT, and do not have any pics up for Brooke, Cynthia or Melissa yet?