
  1. R

    ISO Bodies from heaven I just saw this ad in Now mag. under massage. It looks more like escort service anyone try it....the girls look great I tried a info the site does not say incall/outcall massage
  2. S

    MPAs With The Firmest Bodies?

    Wanted to make a good choice so far (form the ones I've seen) Cameron @ HFH DJ@ Allure (very lean and athletic) I was surprised but the best was Olivia @Silhouette. Especially when she walked in I didn't expect it at all. Every single square inch of her especially if you like...
  3. A

    Do people massage their bodies before taking steroids?

    To "open the pores" or something. Do they?
  4. Diet Guru

    three dead bodies

    Lmfaoo ! :lol:
  5. L

    Three bodies turn.......

    :D:D.. Three bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with huge smiles on their faces. The coroner calls the chief of police to tell him the causes of death. "First body: Frenchman. Died smiling, of heart failure while making love to his mistress. Second body: Scotsman. Won a thousand pounds on the...
  6. A

    Which patient would you chat up from TV's Embarrasing Bodies?

    Final episode on in 20 minutes at 9pm GMT Channel4