
  1. C

    Riley @ H.I. on Bloor

    What can I say about Riley at Health International? She's a terrible receptionist turned horrible MP. Seriously, she may be young and kinda cute, but do NOT fall for it. So I start off in the waiting room where the other receptionist tells me to wait. 3 girls each take turns coming to the...
  2. K

    Julia no longer working at 733 Bloor St W

    I dropped in on Friday to see the breastiful goddess and was told that she's no longer working there anymore. Can anyone provide any insight as to where she is working? I've read in previous threads that she does work at other locations as well. Much thanks.
  3. K

    733A Bloor?

    Went there on a Saturday a while back and thought I saw a young, Platinum blonde, medium build MPA there going into the other room? It wasn't Tina. Can anyone confirm or was I just seeing things again.
  4. J

    Kara - Yonge & Bloor, Independent

    Just wondering whatever became of Kara. She used to have an ad on the Red Zone in which she talked about a "teasing, pleasing, oral release". She was about 5'5", red-haired, and short-sighted. I believe she was involved with some sex professionals' organization. Anyway, a very pleasant...
  5. P

    Christinas on Bloor - desperately seeking what's-her-name

    A few years back there used to be a woman working at Christina's (sure she was a bit older but this woman knew her business). She always wore a white lab coat, spoke English well with a slight Russian accent, blonde (dyed), great body. She disappeared from there for a while and was working at...
  6. Pompal 09.

    Yonge and Bloor

    I had occasion to be in TO in June ( I know that was a while ago) I saw in ad in EYE for an MP on Bloor Just east of Yonge. I went to the address. (what a scary place) and found no one there even though it was during the office hours posted in the ad. I was just as happy since I didn't like the...
  7. P

    733 Bloor (Or Other places near by)

    Well Im off to my first massage ever. And this is the place Im thinking, as Im in the area every week. Anyone been there and have and advice? What do they offer? As well is it necessary to book an appointment, I am thinking I'm just gonna walk in. Thanks
  8. aznclamgrl91

    Bloor West spas

    I've been reading posts about spas on Bloor W. (ie. 1600). How many are there? I'm confused about who's good, etc. Someone give me the scoop.
  9. S

    MP at Bloor and Kipling

    I have a buddy who is new to the MP scene and is more or less a lurker. I told him I would ask around for him: There is a small MP located on the north side of Bloor at Kipling just before the 6 points cut-off and Bloor St continuation. Apparently there is a church across...
  10. C

    Recommendations on Bloor St. W between Spadina & Islington

    I drive along Bloor St W everyday to and from work. Just wondering if there are any MP's that you could recommend that is along Bloor, preferrably somewhere between Spadina and Islington. Yes, I know that's a big stretch, but I can't seem to see any during my drives. Also, if you can provide...
  11. oldtimekid2

    review: 1059 Bloor

    Clean place in an older building. Saw Susan. She works Thursdays and Saturdays. She's reached advanced middle age, but looks pretty good. Nice face, bleached hair, too much makeup. Tallish, with a nice, firm, compact figure, and a great tukhus. The usual menu, good attitude and...
  12. B

    Thai MP School & Clinic - Bloor / Manning

    Noticed a "new"? place in little Korea, at the corner of Bloor & Manning (North side of Bloor, 2nd floor.) Sign says something like "Thai Massage School & Clinic". Looks pretty legitimate, but still, one never knows ... anyone have any details on this place? A long shot, but if there is a...
  13. C

    Review: 29 Bloor E (Asian)

    Hi -- long time lurker here with a few reviews I thought I'd post... first off is this place at Yonge + Bloor... main attraction is the location, which is very convenient. The place itself is average-to-downscale, although clean. Certainly not up to the standards of the higher-end places (if...
  14. Pompal 09.

    Olivia Spa on Bloor West

    Hello buddies, Can anyone give me your opinion/prices about Oliva's SPA? It is located on Bloor St West, between Dundas West and Keele St. Thank you for your help pals!! Cheers!!
  15. F

    1613 Bloor

    Has anyone been there.?
  16. Melissa J

    1600 bloor revisited

    saturday evening i went back to 1600 bloor to see if my first visit there before christmas was a fluke or for real i try to support businesses in my area so i hope this one works out. i saw laura again. and what a personality i felt comfortable from the time i entered to the time i left the...
  17. Pompal 09.

    REVIEW: Pamela @ Yonge & Bloor

    Well this was a first time experience so my first review. I didn't want to go to this place but the others on my list were closed so I just said to hell with it. I've been wanting to get a massage for a long time now so I was willing to take anything. I saw Pamela at 29 Bloor St. E...
  18. Pompal 09.

    Anna@ Bloor Holistic Spa

    Well, it was kinda late one night, and I was hoping to catch a MP that was open. I was driving along bloor just east of dundas and it looked like I was out of luck until I came across Bloor Spa just west of dundas on the south side...with an open sign. I rang the bell, and this tall, thin...
  19. F

    Is 29 Bloor St. E closed?

    While it's not the best place, it comes in handy when I'm downtown. They said they were open till 2am last night but when I called at 10, no one answered the phone. Today's the same. I wonder if LE got to them.
  20. L

    any sp's near bloor & islington?

    heading that way tonight, anything nearby?