Your response is as expected. Ego and bluster

"Love an audience"...that's about the only honest thing you have said.
Mr Longarm nonsense
Let me answer all your nonsensical assumptions in order.
1. Been on this board officially since 2017. Been lurking a lot longer than that. You maybe 2 years. ....but whos counting or cares
Always amazes me the the kinds of characters you can find on this board. ..........You my friend? is bottom of the barrel,
Twice before you contacted me for DMs to build your sleezy dossier. I see that this is your MO with others members for gathering info.
Seeking and using info from "DISCRETE MESSAGES" is as low as you can get on the honesty scale. You could try sharing DMs instead of using them to " out " some of the ladies you supposedly had a good time ? with.
Do you even understand the meaning of "discrete".
2. I am far from being a white knight. Will never defend a spa .......certainly not Candy Spa and management/promoter(s). I speak my mind when I need to....and STFU when I need to.
I am all about good service....... in return I treat the girls them with respect if deserved. BTW that sometimes mean being a little discrete on this board......something you could never understand. You've got ego issues big time.
3. "I do have a lot to say" you said "this is a review board" but also a forum share knowledge about this hobby. Hate to say I would not share the the time of day with you.. .......cannot trust you

4. "Lazy boy chair to watch who on dickhead You and your "penis comparisons means nothing" Somewhere inside your little brain (the other head) is an insecure little boy wanting attention. You got it now.
So you fancy yourself to be porn star eh...... Good night Mr Dirk Diggler.......let me get back to my lazy boy chair and await your performance.