Have been to Shangri La spa many times as well as other spas and I'm very curious to know, Does Renee have fake tits?
Anyone besides the usual shills have any sort of review that makes sense to a well advised spa member?
Did they renovate the bathroom between room 1 and 2?
I especially like how a spa member can be in room 2, wants to use the head , gotta pea right? And the a spa member in room 1 actually walks in you
because the 2 rooms share the shower. Anyone have any incidents about this because its really easy to see how this can happen.....
Anyone have any sf2's at Shangri La?
Are there any reviews for this spa?
TBH, really I hope you spa guys get some really great service wherever you go. I'm just hoping to find someone other than the usual, who has has had,
something on the lines of super good at this spa.
If you want a porn experience, this may not
the spa for you. Spend your money wisely spa dudes
@Happyman - care to chime in with a review.

Anyone besides the usual shills have any sort of review that makes sense to a well advised spa member?
Did they renovate the bathroom between room 1 and 2?
I especially like how a spa member can be in room 2, wants to use the head , gotta pea right? And the a spa member in room 1 actually walks in you
because the 2 rooms share the shower. Anyone have any incidents about this because its really easy to see how this can happen.....
Anyone have any sf2's at Shangri La?
Are there any reviews for this spa?
TBH, really I hope you spa guys get some really great service wherever you go. I'm just hoping to find someone other than the usual, who has has had,
something on the lines of super good at this spa.
If you want a porn experience, this may not

@Happyman - care to chime in with a review.

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