Known Reviewer
So I guess Spa ownership will never be a mainstream business because of the stigma attached to it.
I own a spa. My name is on the licence. I own 2 other mainstream business. My name is on the ownership papers. I signed all the lease agreements. I am the person who goes to City Hall to get the licence for the Spa. I am one of the largest supplier of Massage comsumables to the wholesalers who sells to these Asian Spas.
My name is out there if anyone does a search of the business. But is it that much of a Public exposure? Only interested parties will do a search. 99% of Joe public do not know or even care..
Like I said one cannot have it both ways. Is it a legal business or an underground (unlicenced) business. One has to make a decision.
I don't decide whether there is a stigma or not, society does.
You might feel differently about the risk of exposure if you were a female keeping this from their family.
It is a legal business, as long as the rules are followed. You should know that's not always the case.