
  1. T

    Pamela @ sensa

    Nothing hot about her, mechanical, bad bj, older with done up lips and face
  2. CravenMorhed

    Pamela at Perla/Pure Spa?

    Looking for some reviews for the current Pamela at Premiere?? This is the new Pamela currently being featured/listed on the site. My understandings is there’s been previous MPA with same name. Pics and stats looks good.
  3. K

    Review Kylie (formerly Pamela) @ Pure

    Went to see Kylie at Pure yesterday. When I found out she was the former Pamela from 2017-2019, I was excited. Pamela IMO was one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen in a spa. Dumb as shit, but hot as fuck. Kylie looked different than from what I remembered. She’s still hot, but something...
  4. Justhavefun

    Blond Ambition - Paris vs Pamela vs McKenzie

    Not sure who to see. I want to see a smoking hot fit blonde with big firm fake tits (like Haylee from S9) and gives the best overall session. Looking for reviews/comparisons for the above girls that are next on my TDL. If you can rate rate body, tits and session that would be greatly appreciated. :)
  5. M

    Insider Tips on How to Build Your Massage Business with Pamela Heavner - Massage Magazine

    Enjoy the Insider Tips on How to Build Your Massage Business webinar. Webinar Transcription Karen: Hello and welcome to Insider Tips on How to Build your Massage Business, a webinar presented by CBD Clinic and MASSAGE Magazine. I’m Karen Menehan, the editor of MASSAGE Magazine, and I’m...
  6. C

    Review Pamela @ Pure Premier

    This is a 3rd Pamela in 2 years at Premier so to be clear Russian-Middle eastern Blonde, 5’7”, 34DD-24-36 New to Premier but not new to the biz. Just didn’t click with her. No sensuality or enthusiasm. Looks like her pics. Fake breasts and lips. Just wasn’t really into the session. It was...
  7. M

    Pamela Redmond on her novel "Older," a sequel to "Younger" - Los Angeles Times

    If you buy books linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission from, whose fees support independent bookstores. On April 10, 2019, her 66th birthday, Pamela Redmond, the author of the novel “Younger,” (yes, that “Younger”) was awaiting a massage at Santa Monica’s Tikkun...
  8. Ursus

    Big Blonde Pamela - Took a Chance and It went well

    I was in the Cambridge area recently and I was all set to book Giselle, who posted on Leolist. She had a $120 HH rate for FS and her pictures looked worthy of a girl who normally works as a $300 per hour companion for one of the well-known, Toronto escort agencies. I set up a time, was about to...
  9. M

    Massage avec Pamela

    Bonsoir , j’offre mes services de massage à St-Léonard , si vous êtes intéressé appelles moi au (514)880-7863 Prix 130$ personne sérieuse seulement je répond seulement au appel merci (Je suis panamienne) Buenas noches, ofrezco mis servicios de masajes en St-Léonard, si estás interesado llámame...
  10. yung-goose

    Pamela @Premier ... Gone?

    Seems like another one bites the dust... Hasn't been scheduled for months and now her pictures are off the site. She was an absolute smoke show. Had that instagram blonde model look.
  11. PC647

    Pamela @ AGS I recently saw her nice fine ass on Airport Golden Spa’s website so I decided to book with Pamela. She’s an attractive curvy Russian girl with a very sweet and outgoing personality. It was easy to click with her right away on our...
  12. K

    pamela @ pure

    recently had the opportunity to see Pamela at Pure. I had seen here before and had a great time. I was hoping to get the same level of service this time around. First time around we hit it off pretty well. Lots of talking and joking around. She’s dumb as shit, but fun. Little kissing. Short bbbj...
  13. V

    Premier Spa - Pamela review

    Saw Pamela last night at pure spa. Face - 9/10, very good looking girl would say she's in her early twenties. Typical Instagram model look to her facially. Body - 9/10, great set of man mades on her. Big and soft, seemed to really like her breasts sucked. Nice butt not to big, nice curves...
  14. C

    Pamela at Pure

    Hi Guy's I am planning to have a session with Pamela at Pure. Could you please share any intel on her sessions: dfk. daty?, bbj and fs?. Thanks
  15. Ursus

    Does Pamela at Premiere Spas have a PayPal Account?

    I offered to send money to Asian Angela through Paypal, but she didn't need it. I was wondering, does Pamela at Premiere Spas have a Paypal Account? Please pass this message onto her. Thanks.
  16. chaychay

    Pop quiz: Pamela, Madison, Alexis or Ariel at Pure

    I have the rare benefit of time and opportunity on my hands. I almost never get to partake in this hobby - so who do I go with next? As you can tell, I only like seeing ladies with enhanced breasts. I love them big. I prefer them very soft. Within the next 24hrs I have the following options at...
  17. M

    Katie & Pamela @ Pure

  18. F

    Pamela pure spa ????

    has any seen this sexy woman I need a review dying to have a session
  19. AOD911

    Hot blonde Pamela - Yonge/Bloor

    After a stressful day, I did a quick search and found this provider near my office. Was feeling rather backed up so I took the chance on the ad. Pics looked too good to be true. Pleasantly surprised..they are accurate. Massage was sensual and nowhere near RMT. The ass and boobs on this...
  20. T

    Pamela at Pure

    I just saw Pamela. Her face is very cute and she has massive boobs. She says she wants to get a boob job soon, so I wonder how that would work out. She looks like a clubbing girl. She is pretty restrictive sexually, and she didn't let finger her....or kiss her...or anything else I didn't ask...